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D2Bot Table of Contents

Kolbot Table of Contents


Default keys

Here is just a quick run through of what each current key is, and what it will do for bot

Javacode - KeyToolsThread.jsother scripts
17 - Ctrl
19 - Pause/BreaktogglePause()Pause/Resume bot
32 - SpaceFileTools.copy (UserAddon.js)copy the charconfig with name of char included
33 - Page Up
34 - Page Down
35 - EndMuleLogger.logChar(); D2Bot.stop(me.profile, true);mulelog the current char and stop that profile
36 - Home
45 - InsertrevealLevel(true)show/hide mapc (Test.js)print ...
46 - Delete
96 - Num 0getHook("Next Area") (MapThread.js)move to next area
97 - Num 1getHook("Previous Area") (MapThread.js)move to previous area
98 - Num 2getHook("Waypoint") (MapThread.js)move to wp
99 - Num 3getHook("POI") (MapThread.js)move to Point of Interest
100 - Num 4getHook("Side Area") (MapThread.js)move to side area
101 - Num 5scriptBroadcast("mule")Automuling
102 - Num 6MuleLogger.logChar()
103 - Num 7Hooks.monsters.enabled (MapThread.js)show/hide monsters
104 - Num 8Hooks.vector.enabled (MapThread.js)show/hide vectors
105 - Num 9print(this.getNearestPreset())
106 - Num *Precast.doPrecast(true)activate the precast/buff
107 - Num +showConsole() ...print real FCR IAS FBR FHR
109 - Num -Misc.spy( someone's geargo (CrushTele.js)autoteleport in strategic areas
110 - Num decimal .say("/fps")shows frames/sec
111 - Num /this.stopDefault()Stop threads and reload

Changing the Default Keys

If you need to change these keys, look to:

  • ...\d2bs\kolbot\threads\ToolsThread.js check \Event functions section lines 342-409

  • pause/resume key is also defined in line 37 of ...\d2bs\kolbot\threads\Heartbeat.js for pausing the starter script (before entering in a game)

  • ...\d2bs\kolbot\libs\core\manualplay\MapToolsThread.js lines 721-724

For a reference on what these can be changed to, visit or webpages. Those are all the possible keycodes.

This is just a simple run through, to truly know what each key does, you'll need to test each one out in game.

d2bs core commands

Chat Commands

press < Enter > and type:

  • .start -
  • .stop - will stop the current scripts. the profile will crash and it will be restarted in few seconds
  • .reload - will stop and reload the scripts. you are able to change config while in game. Don't use as it crashes after the game is done, Use Numpad /
  • .flushcache -
  • .load -

White Console(layer)

display status messages out of game as well as in game:

  • < HOME > to show/hide console just for viewing
  • < ALT > + < HOME > to open the console for input, allows you to type commands into it
  • < Page up >/< Page down > scrolls console text when it's open for input.
  • the same chat commands without . prefix:
    • start -
    • stop - will stop the current scripts. the profile will crash and it will be restarted in few seconds
    • reload - will stop and reload the scripts. you are able to change config while in game. Don't use as it crashes after the game is done. Use Numpad /
    • flushcache -
    • load - passing a thread file into load will load/reload that thread. i.e load("default.dbj")
  • include - other scripts can be loaded: include("common/prototypes.js");
  • any other command is interpreted as a javascript string and will be executed (as per the old .exec).
  • all output is directed to the console instead of to the screen.
  • < Up arrow > will show the latest command that you typed in the console. Up/Down arrows will show different commands entered in the console
  • you can type on the console different javascript lines:
var ip = Number(me.gameserverip.split(".")[3]);
print("IP of the game: " + ip);

and the result will be:

IP of the game: ... (the last part of the IP)
  • one defined variable (like ip) remains defined in that game, even you type reload in the meantime.
  • to find the mouse coordinates type:

and you'll get the X, Y coordinates.